Who We Are

Thoreau Giving

Thoreau Giving is a non-profit organization focused on serving at-risk youth, single mothers and addressing the issue of affordable housing. We want to empower these individuals by providing them with access to opportunities that can help them break the cycles of living below the poverty line and achieve long-term stability.

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Who We Are

Thoreau Giving

Thoreau Giving is a non-profit organization focused on serving at-risk youth, single mothers, and addressing the issue of affordable housing. We want to empower these individuals by providing them with access to housing and opportunities that can help them break the cycles of living below the poverty line and achieve long-term stability.

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To The homeless

Mission Statement

Our mission is to empower at-risk youth and single mothers by providing affordable housing and essential resources to help them achieve independence.

Our Vision

We envision a world where affordable housing is accessible to all, where at-risk youth find hope and opportunity, and where single mothers can thrive. Together, we will create lasting change, by breaking barriers and building a future filled with love, stability, and endless possibilities.

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Our Core Values


Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of integrity in all that we do, ensuring transparency, accountability, and ethical practices to build trust with our beneficiaries, partners, and supporters.
Collaboration: We foster strong partnerships with other non-profits, recognizing that collective efforts are essential to closing the affordable housing gap and creating lasting change for at-risk youth, and single mothers.
Empowerment: Empowering the next generation of at-risk youth and single mothers is at the core of our mission. We are dedicated to equipping them with the necessary tools, resources, and opportunities to reclaim control over their lives and pave the way for a more promising future.
Transformation: We believe in the power of transformation, enabling individuals and families to rewrite their stories, break free from the cycle of poverty, and achieve lasting positive change.

We Need Your Help

Our Why


Single Mothers Today in the U.S
We help provide resources, support, and opportunities to help single mothers thrive, achieve financial stability, and build a brighter future.


Children Living Below the Poverty Line
We provide wellness programs, education, and support to help children living in poverty overcome challenges and create a brighter future.


Homelessness in America
We will provide shelter, support services, and resources to empower individuals and combat homelessness with compassion and care



We help local nonprofits access the funding, tools, training,


Single MOthers

We help local nonprofits access the funding, tools, training,


Young At Risk

We help local nonprofits access the funding, tools, training,

need your help

Our Services

our goal $20,000.00
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to go $20,000.00
our goal $20,000.00
Raised $0.00
to go $20,000.00
our goal $20,000.00
Raised $0.00
to go $20,000.00
Invest in the Future

Three Core Pillars of Thoreau Giving

• Equip youth and single mothers with affordable housing, academic support, and vital survival resources for a brighter future.
• Invest in sustainable non-profit partnerships that have synergy with our company’s mission.
• Create memorable philanthropic experiences that bring diverse communities together.

Invest in the Future

Our Vision

We envision a world where affordable housing is accessible to all, where veterans are honored and supported, where at-risk youth find hope and opportunity, and where single mothers can thrive. Together, we will create lasting change, by breaking barriers and building a future filled with love, stability, and endless possibilities.

Join us in Transforming Communities
Get Involved

What We Do

We forge powerful partnerships with fellow non-profits to amplify our impact in market. Together, we work tirelessly to close the affordable housing gap, uplift at-risk youth, and support single mothers. Through collaboration, compassion, and community, we build a brighter future where everyone has a place to call home.

Join us in Transforming Communities

Support our Affordable Housing Fund

We help local nonprofits access the funding, tools, training,

Support our Children's Advancement Fund

Develop futures, shape minds: Your support helps children gain education and financial literacy, equipping them for a successful and empowered future.

Support our Women Fund

Break barriers, empower women: Your support helps advance women's rights, education, and economic opportunities, fostering gender equality and societal progress.

Thoreau Giving org

What We Do

Thoreau Giving is a non-profit organization focused on serving at-risk youth, single mothers, and addressing the issue of affordable housing in the United States. We want to empower these individuals by providing them with access to opportunities that can help them break the cycles of living below the poverty line and achieve long-term stability. Every child and family deserve the chance to thrive, regardless of their socio-economic status. Our organization is driven by a deep sense of community building, compassion, and empathy for those we serve. We know that every individual has the potential to succeed and want to have a hand in helping them unlock that potential.

join our Action and everyone can help
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who we support

Teamwork makes the Dream Work

Affordable Housing: We support organizations that offer address the issue of affordable housing by advocating for policies and initiatives that make safe, stable housing more accessible to low-income families. We are also working towards building an affordable housing fund to create shelter for future generations of families in need.
At Risk-Youth: We support organizations that offer mentoring, tutoring, and after-school programs that help them stay on track academically and develop life skills that will serve them well in the future. We also work to connect them with job opportunities and career training, so that they can build a successful future for themselves.
Single-Mothers: We support organizations that provide support with childcare, housing, and job training. We believe that empowering single mothers can have a transformative impact not only on their own lives, but on the lives of their children as well.

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  • Gainioz

who we support

Teamwork makes the Dream Work

At Risk-Youth: We support organizations that offer mentoring, tutoring, and after-school programs that help them stay on track academically and develop life skills that will serve them well in the future. We also work to connect them with job opportunities and career training, so that they can build a successful future for themselves.
Single-Mothers: We support organizations that provide support with childcare, housing, and job training. We believe that empowering single mothers can have a transformative impact not only on their own lives, but on the lives of their children as well.
We support organizations provide access to healthcare services, mental health support, job training and employment assistance, housing solutions, and community integration programs.
Affordable Housing: We support organizations that offer address the issue of affordable housing by advocating for policies and initiatives that make safe, stable housing more accessible to low-income families. We are also working towards building an affordable housing fund to create shelter for future generations of families in need.

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who we support

join our Action and everyone can help

For at-risk youth, we support organizations that offer mentoring, tutoring, and after-school programs that help them stay on track academically and develop life skills that will serve them well in the future. We also work to connect them with job opportunities and career training, so that they can build a successful future for themselves. BGCP - The Boys and Girls Clubs are essential for childhood development because they provide a safe and nurturing environment for children to learn, grow, and thrive. These clubs offer a range of programs and services that support children's physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development, helping them to develop the skills and competencies they need to succeed in life. Furthermore, Boys and Girls Clubs provide a sense of community and belonging, which can be especially important for children who come from disadvantaged backgrounds or who may not have access to other resources and opportunities.

Our Partnerships

Help Us Serve


Homeless People In America


Single Mothers


At risk youth

2nd Annual Thoreau Giving Impact Golf Event 2024

Join us at Stanford Golf Course on October 7, 2024, for a day you won't forget!

2nd Annual Impact Golf Event

Sign up while spots are still available!

Registration Open!
Gainioz Shape Gainioz Shape
Gainioz Shape Gainioz Shape

Success Stories

“ As a supporter, I can't stress enough how crucial this non-profit is! They tackle vital issues—empowering at-risk youth, aiding single mothers, honoring and providing affordable housing. Joining them means making a tangible difference in the lives of those who need it most. Together, we can change lives! “

Ayomide Akin-David

“ I had so much fun participating in the inaugural golf tournament with my team last year, and it was an incredible experience. The day was filled with great vibes, a welcoming community, and some awesome prizes that added to the excitement. The tournament was well-organized and provided a fantastic opportunity to enjoy a day of golf while supporting Thoreau Giving’s inspiring mission to empower at-risk youth and single mothers, and address affordable housing. It's heartwarming to see a community come together for such a worthy cause. I can’t wait for this year’s tournament—bring on the fun and the good deeds! “

Lillian Hong

“ What an important and incredible cause. Thoreau Giving is already making such a huge difference for at-risk youths and single mothers, and they’re just getting started! I was so impressed with their inaugural charity golf tournament in 2023, and as a proud supporter, I cannot wait to see what they’re going to accomplish. “

Nick Fabiani
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